Talent Cultivation and Development
In 2023, the total training hours for employees reached 16,617 hours, with a total of 713 employees on staff that year, resulting in an average of 23.31 training hours per employee annually. Additionally, the expenditure on education and training in 2023 was NTD 1,365,080, with an average training cost of NTD 1,915 per employee.
Diverse Welfare Systems
Kaori arranges Labor Insurance and National Health Insurance coverage for employees as required by laws and ensures that employees are paid the benefits they are entitled to. By promoting a harmonious labor-management relationship and catering to employees' wellbeing and health, the Company aims to help employees grow in life and at work. In 2023, Kaori paid birth and child care subsidies totaling NT$1.45 million.
Annual Employee Attrition Rate≦ 5%
In 2023, Kaori had 125 recruits, which represented 19.50% of the total workforce; 105 of the recruits were male, and 20 were female. 51 employees resigned during the year, representing an annual attrition rate of 8.0%; 37 of the resigned employees were male and 14 were female. By analyzing data on recruits and resignees, the Company evaluates the appropriateness of its existing salaries and benefits and determines whether it has met its goal of creating a friendly workplace.